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Pre-Operative Prostate Cancer Surgery Activities

Bob Bessette
Last updated
3 July 2024


This is part 3 in a series of articles dealing with prostate cancer and my first-hand experiences with receiving the diagnosis, pre-operative activities, the day of the surgery, and the post-operative recovery process.

I want others who have to deal with the reality of prostate cancer and ultimately prostate removal to understand what it entails. Hopefully these articles will make it easier and less mysterious to others who have to go through it.

So tomorrow is the day of my surgery. I have to get to the hospital at 6AM for a 7:30AM surgery. Today I had 2 appointments – one with a physical therapist on learning Kegel (pronounced Kagel) exercises and I just came back from a pre-operative appointment at the hospital in anticipation of surgery in the morning.

The Kegel exercises are meant to prevent potential incontinence (leakage) issues after the operation. They are fairly easy to learn, you just have to continue to do them on a regular basis before and after the operation. I met with a physical therapist and she taught me how to do them.

The pre-operative appointment, after learning how to do the Kegel exercises, was with an RN at the hospital where the surgery will take place. It basically entailed a lengthy list of questions about my health and an explanation of what the day of surgery (tomorrow) will entail so that there will be no surprises.

She also took my blood pressure and another assistant took blood from me for a lab test. I also received a pamphlet on Robotic Prostatectomy and the Post-Operative Discharge Instructions.

So, at 2PM today I was told to take a 10 fluid ounce bottle of Magnesium Citrate which I found very sour and sweet at the same time but I was able to get it down. It is so that my system will be cleaned out before the surgery. And today I am only allowed to consume liquids like chicken broth, coffee without sugar or milk, tea, Gatorade without any red or purple color, and water.

I guess the red and purple color could visually affect the surgeon who is operating the robotics to remove the prostate. In other words, he wouldn’t be able to see everything clearly enough as the operation is taking place.

So now it’s just a waiting game. I can’t consume anything after midnight but I was told to take my regular daily medications for high blood pressure and acid reflux with a little sip of water in the morning.

The next time I write it will be OVA and I’ll be recuperating from the surgery. I’ll fill you in on all of the details of the day of my surgery in my next installment. Wish me luck!

Feel free to leave any questions or comments in the comment section below or contact me via my Contact Me page. I’d love to hear from anyone who has any questions or concerns. I know it’s a big deal and I’ve been where you are so please feel free to lean on me for any questions you may have.

Don’t miss parts 1 and 2 in the series seen below:

Part 1: Prostate Cancer – Dealing with the Diagnosis

Part 2: Awaiting Prostate Cancer Surgery

Here is a great resource and forum for anyone who wants any question answered about Prostate Cancer.

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