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Write for this blog

Would you like to guest post on this blog?

This blog is all about practicality and helping people with your solutions, tips, or advice.  There is not a lot of fluff here in these posts.  Do you have an interesting idea for a post that could help my readers?  The subject matter is pretty much wide open but please remember that the #1 goal of this blog is to add value to my readers’ lives.

It could be a practical tip, solution, or strategy that you have used in the kitchen, around your home, or at work.  Maybe you have a money or time-management tip or some advice on getting your child into college?  You don’t have to be a blogger to guest post.  I would be willing to read anything that could help my readers.

You could either send along the complete post or an idea that you have for a post and I’ll get back to you.  I agree to provide one NOFOLLOW link within a short bio supplied by you, at the end of the post. I will not allow any in-post links, just in the bio which is required.

If you want to write for this blog pitch an idea to me at  If I agree on the subject, when you send the article to me, Microsoft Word format is preferred.  You can also use the form in my Contact Me page to send along your idea.  I look forward to working with you.

Please be advised that your post must be original and have never been posted anywhere else on the internet or otherwise. It will be scanned for authenticity and originality.
