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Bob Bessette About Img

My name is Bob and I started this blog in July of 2009 for selfish reasons because I love to write.  I am currently a software professional at a corporate giant. I have been involved in the Information Technology world for the past 20 years.

Before that I was a research scientist for 10 years with the U.S. Department of Defense. I tend to live my life by the quote “The truly educated never graduate.” as I completed my 3rd degree after turning 50 years old. 

This blog is geared toward practical reviews, DIY, tips, and life hacks. I enjoy writing about and chronicling in video DIY projects, practical solutions, tips, and everyday products that I use in my life. I create reviews here in writing and in video on my YouTube channel.

I hope that this blog will become part of your regular reading and I welcome you to subscribe to this blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel and leave comments… You can find me on Twitter or follow my boards on Pinterest.

Bob Bessette